Q & A for Modules
For EX9000 Series
Q: What spec (Sampling / Accuracy / ZeroDrift / Span Drift) of AIO module of EX9000 series? 2004/3/2

AIO Sampling rate list:  


 Sampling  Accuracy  Zero Drift  Span Drift
 9011  10Hz  ±0.05%  ±0.5μV/  ±25ppm/
 9011P  10Hz  ±0.05%  ±0.5μV/  ±25ppm/
 9012F  10Hz  ±0.25%  ±20μV/  ±25ppm/
 9012D  10Hz  ±0.05%  ±20μV/  ±25ppm/
 9013D  10Hz  ±0.05%  ±0.5μV/  ±1.0ppm/
 9014D  10Hz  ±0.05%  ±20μV/  ±20μV/
 9015  12Hz  ±0.05%  ±0.5μV/  ±25ppm/
 9016D  10Hz  ±0.05%  ±0.5μV/  ±25ppm/
 9016PD  10Hz  ±0.05%  ±0.5μV/  ±25ppm/
 9017  10Hz  ±0.1%  ±20μV/  ±25ppm/
 9017F  75Hz  ±0.5%  ±20μV/  ±25ppm/
 9018  10Hz  ±0.1%  ±0.5μV/  ±25ppm/
 9018P  10Hz  ±0.1%  ±0.5μV/  ±25ppm/
 9033D  15Hz  ±0.1%  ±0.5μV/  ±1.0ppm/


Q: Can I calibrate the AIO module of EX9000 Series? 2004/3/2
A: Please don’t calibrate before you really understand. Detailed see the EX9000 user manual.





For EX9188XD Series
Q: What should to do when Ex9188 system halted ? 2004/1/18










     TRNASFER ------ SEND FILE--------PROTOCOL ( X MODEM) ---------FILE NAME

      ------OK ( WITHIN 60 SEC) ( REFER User Manual, P10,P24,25,26,27).



Q: Why does the system hang when I use the INIT* pin to upload the disk image? 2004/11/20
A: The INIT* pin must be disconnected right after executing uploading process.
Q: When I use HyperTerminal to upload/download program, the process can’t be completed. 2004/11/20
A: Make sure click “transfer” at menu bar and choose the right function and file within 60sec after typing “xm /s” or “xm /r”. The transfer protocol must be “Xmodem”.
Q: How do I know if COM1 is set to RS232 or RS485? 2004/11/20
A: Open the cover and check the jumper5, 6 and 7. If pin 1 and 2 are connected, COM1 is RS232. If pin 2 and 3 are connected, it’s RS485.
Q: What is the difference between “transfer.exe” and “xm.exe”? 2004/11/20
A: The purpose of both programs is the same. However “transfer.exe” is used when “comm..exe” is used for communicating with 9188. “xm.exe” is used when HyperTerminal is used for communicating with 9188.
Q: Can I use “xm.exe” or “transfer.exe” to upload data to driver A: of 9188? 2004/11/20
A: No. Drive A: is write-protected. Use “romdisk.exe” to create a romdisk image file and then use “torom.exe” to transfer romdisk image file into drive a: of 9188.
Q: How do I write programs which can run on 9188? 2004/11/20
A: Borland C and Turbo C compilers can be used to develop 9188 programs. We provide the library functions which let you have the full control of 9188. You can get the latest 9188 library functions from our website.
Q: What should I be aware of when writing RS485 related codes? 2004/11/20
A: The data transmit directions of RS485 is software controlled. Therefore, “Set485DirToTransmit” and “Set485DirToReceive” functions are used to control the data transmit directions. “WaitTransmitOver” is used to check if the data has been transmitted.
Q: Can the library functions of ICP-DAS I7188XD be run on EX9188XD? 2003/8/4

Basically, the library functions of EX9188XD are fully compatible with I7188XD. The header and library files from ICP-DAS can be used in EX9188XD. However, there are some very ICP-DAS model dependent functions, like InitLib(), Is7188() which are not supported by EX9188XD. Just omit those ICP-DAS model dependent functions.

Q: What do I need for developing software for running on 9188XD? 2003/8/4
A: A C compiler is required. Turbo C 2.01 and Borland C 3.1 are good choice. Using the library functions provided can have the control of the hardware.





For EX9188END Series
Q: What is the purpose of using VxComm software? 2002/11/20

The VxComm creates a bridge between the host PC and 9188E via TCP/IP protocol. By using VxComm, the host PC can treats the COM port of 9188E as its own internal COM port so that the application programs can simply control the COM port of 9188E without handling the network (TCP/IP) layer. 

Q: How do I write Visual Basic codes when can write/read a value to a certain serial port of 9188E from host computer? 2002/11/20

MSComm control must be added to the form. then assign the COM port number to be the same as the one VxCOmm uses to connect 9188E.  Use the ordinary Comm method to read/write a value from/to the COM port. Please note that VxComm would need to be installed first before running the application.



    'Read a value from COM port 

    txtReceive.Text = txtReceive.Text & MSComm1.Input

    'Write a value to COM port

    MSComm1.Output = msString

Q: Why can’t the VxComm at host PC receive data from 9188E? 2002/11/20
A: It may be caused by incorrect wiring, power, IP conflict, MAC conflict, wrong subnet-mask and invalid IP address.
Q: 9188END supports LAN function. Is it possible to do on-line development for the unit? 2003/8/4

For 9188END, the way of program developments and debugging is the same as 9188XD. A PC can be used for development and debugging purpose. The program would have to be uploaded to 9188END to run and the debugging message can be passed to PC through COM ports. 9188END supports LAN function so the COM ports of 9188END can be controlled through Ethernet.  A software called "Virtual COM" can create virtual COM ports. By creating virtual COM ports on the PC, Virtual COM redirects the communications from the virtual COM ports to an IP address and port number on a 9188END that connects the serial line device to the network. Applications that communicated directly with a physical communication port or serial line device can now be used over a TCP/IP network with Virtual COM and 9188END.

Q: What should to do when Ex9188END system halted ? 2004/1/18










     TRNASFER ------ SEND FILE--------PROTOCOL ( X MODEM) ---------FILE NAME ------OK ( WITHIN 60 SEC)

     ( REFER EX-9188XD MODULE, P24,25,26,27).
















     For LAN system example :

                     EX-9188END                      PC./HOST SYSTEM

           IP:      AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD          aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd

           0AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD,aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd 255

           AAA=aaa, BBB=bbb, CCC=ccc

           DDD must be not equal to ddd


     A: \> RESET.









For Linux System Series
A: EX9486-L/2L PIN CONSOLE with firmware for wi- fi vigol 128 but without SSH .
A: Power Consumption of Ex9486-L .
A: We don't provide the ARM Linux source code for customer. The Linux
   kernel and file system is built-in our product not an add-on package.
  What customer need to do is just upload his "ARM Linux executable binary
  file" to our products. We will maintain the core and driver, we suggest
  customer force in the application program instead of Linux Kernel.
Q: I read in the Installation Guide that the serial adaptor Prolific
  2303 is supported and built-in kernel. I need to use the FTDI FT232
  serial adaptor in order to use some other I/O modules ; I said: is the
  FTDI driver built-in in the kernel, too? If not, is it possible to
  have the module to load?
A: Exactly, FTDI driver wasn't built-in in the kernel. Yes, we can build the driver module for customers.
Q: The board should have 32MB RAM and 8MB flash. Using the "df"
  command I can see 4MB flash disk and 8MB ramdisk.
  How can I check the total amount of RAM?
  Why I can see only 4MB flash?
A: EX9486-2L is equipped with 8MB flash and it was divided into 4 partitions.
'df' shows the capacity of mounted devices, so users only get the information of ramdisk and user disk. Users can type "cat /proc/mtd" to get flash partitions information.
Similarly, "cat /proc/meminfo" or "free" can get the RAM information.
Q: Well, I need the FTDI driver: may you build it and email it to me?
I would build it by myself, but I think that I need the kernel source tree,
isn't it?
A: FTDI is ready for EX9486-2L. Please see attachment.
This driver is verified on EX9486-2L only.
Installation Steps:
a.Place ftdi_sio.ko in /disk
b.insmod /disk/ftdi_sio.ko
c.Plug in FT232 cable
d.You'll get a device, /dev/ttyUSB0
Q: driver for ISDN usb modem : 2007/8/14
A: A. according to the web info, your USB modem should be CDC/ACM compatible.
or you can google "miniVigor128 + ACM" to find more info about this modem.

B. please follow the actions below to update the EX9486-2L:
(this update already includes driver for CDC/ACM USB modems)

*. Check the attached file to an USB thumb flash disk.
You will find two files: EX9486-2L-K and EX9486-2L-R
Put these two files to root directory.

*. Pulg the USB thumb flash disk to the EX9486-2L

*. Type command: mount /dev/sda or mount /dev/sda1

*. Type command: cd /mnt/sda or cd /mnt/sda1

*. Type command: update EX9486-2L-K

*. Type command: update EX9486-2L-R

*. Type command: reboot

*. Plug the USB modem to the EX9486-2L

*. Type command: dmesg

You should find message like "ttyACM0" or "ttyACM1" near the bottom line.
Q: Ask for HFC-S USB ISDN Linux driver : 2007/8/14
A: We inform the vendor to provide Linux driver.
The detail informaion is below for your reference.
Now, you can try to test USB ISDN Modem again.
Q: Is it possible to get a description of the build enviroment and sw tools
used to build the images for the EX9486-2L? Little info about the 
toolchain and eventuall uC distributon used?
As for the router, can you send or direct me to some documentation for the p-202h of Zyxel?
A: You can use our toolchain(cygwin as Attached ) in CD-ROM to build the 
images for the EX9486-2L and our toolchain also provide the build enviroment.
Please refer to EX9486 Cygwin Installation guide in the CD-ROM.
About uC distribution please visit the website http://www.ucdot.org or http://www.uclinux.org .
Pls also check some documentation for the p-202h of Zyxel as Attached .
Q: EX9486-2L update : 2007/8/14
A: Please advise your customer to update firmware in EX9486-2L.
Unzip EX9486-2L.rar to two files and update these two files separately by using "update" command.
Q: Is it possible to use the ssh and scp clients?  (Yes)
I've found that the sshd does not start automatically (lack of private/public
keys?) and the ssh and scp clients are not present anywhere.
A: Please advise your customer of running key generator.
Because sshd is acting manually at present on EX9486-2L.
Your customer can use attached file to generate key and refer to another
file for configuration and change rc file to let it start automatically.
Since EX9486-2L is playing the role of server, ssh and scp are not
existed.(ssh and scp are programs on client)
If your customer really needs ssh and scp ,we'll help porting ssh and scp.
Q: There is a way to upgrade the Kernel image and/or build a new kernel
A: Please use "upgrade" this command,I remembered that I ever demonstrated operating in your office.
Q: There is some official documentation (even on the net)? 2007/8/14
A: I'm sorry. I don't know what kind of documentation?
Q: There is a driver for the RT73 chipset used by most of the USB/WiFi cards? 2007/8/14
A: The USB port supports Ralink RT2570 chipset. It's a very popular chipset for Wi-Fi USB dongle.
RT73 is a newer chipset and model name is RT2571,the driver is compatible with RT2570.
Q: There is a JTAG programming cable? 2007/8/14
A: No,  pin assignment please refer to EX9486 CD.
Q: There is a DIN Rail support that we can add to the metal case? 2007/8/14
A: Yes,Phoenix Contact Rail adapter, Model No. 1202713
Q: There are Bluethoot drivers available? 2007/8/14
A: Yes, the drivers for CSR and Broadcomm chipset are available,but not built in your present EX9486-L and EX9486-2L.
A: ftdi_sio.ko
A: Attached is RT73 driver for EX9486-L.
The command , " insmod rt73.ko", can load the driver.
A: A couple of questions about EX9486-L:
Q: Where I can find detailed information about the pinout of 10+10
 expander connector that is on the board?
A: Please spend some time on studying contents of EX9486 CD. Pin definition is in the file, EX9486 internal connectors pin assignment.pdf
Q: Do you have an example of a GPRS connection with PPPd daemon?(Infact the chap module is'nt included on the kernel, so I cannot arrive to do the connection) 2007/8/14
A: Attached is a configuration and utility for PPP and it worked successfully on EX9486-L.
On the other hand, please refer to
Q: problem with SD on EX9486-L : 2007/8/14
A: Please unzip attached file and use "update" command to update firmware of EX9486-L.
Q: Is it possible to make a kernel image that supports the smbfs?
(I have cross compile for arm the smbclient tool :)
A: It should upgrade EX9486-L-KV2 and EX9486-L-RV2 for smb client support with
"update" command.
And , please copy /default/etc/smb.conf to /etc when finishing update.
Q: How to mount windows share ?? 2007/8/14
A: For example,
1. mkdir /mnt/smb
2. smbmount // /mnt/smb -o username=XXX
Now, // is mounted to /mnt/smb and can be accessed.
BTW, smbclient is not mandatory.
Q: EX9486-2L.rar (L-R L-K) for FW_ EX9486-2L Update.eml 2007/8/14
A: Subject: EX9486-2L Update
Attached adds 'smb' support.
And , please copy /default/etc/config/smb.conf to /etc/config when finishing update.
Q: How to mount windows share ?? 2007/8/14
A: For example,
a. mkdir /mnt/smb
b. smbmount // /mnt/smb -o username=XXX
Now, // is mounted to /mnt/smb and can be accessed.
Q: RT73: 2007/8/14
A: EX9486-L image supports RT2570 driver and we have tested successfully on
DWL-G122 Ver B1 As I know, DWL-G22 Ver C1 is RT2571.
RT73 kernel module supports RT2571 chipset.
Attached is RT73 module.
Step by Step:
a. download rt73.ko to EX9486-L/disk
b. cd /disk
c. insmod rt73.ko
A: Utility with SSH .. CRON .ZIP
A: I have this problem with sshd # sshd
Privilege separation user sshd does not exist :
A: Please refer to attached file, ssh_config.
Pay attention that UsePrivilegeSeparation is set to "no".
Q: I am working with a 232BM FTDI converter.
This module works well on EX9486-2L
but on EX9486-L  it is not recognized :
A: This is because that EX9486-L didn't support FTDI driver. 
Attached please find the FTDI driver for EX9486-L and the installing method is the same as EX9486-2L.
if customer was forgotten the process , please refer the simple guide I wrote as follows :
- copy attached file ftdi_sio.ko to any directory under "/disk" in EX9486-L, otherwise, the file will be removed while rebooting.
- load driver module by using command "insmod". for example : 
insmod /disk/ftdi_sio.ko 
if "ftdi_sio.ko" is put in directory, "/disk"
- plug FTDI USB dongle and it will be worked.
* if user want to make this function always activated after EX9486-L power on, please remind him add the insmod commad in "/etc/rc" file.
Q: problem of execution thread on the EX9486-2L : 2007/8/14
A: Please upgrade file system by function "upgrade"
A: EX9486-2L tunneling support
A: pl2303.rar
A: for 2lan bridge EX9486-2L-K.gz
A: for 20 thread EX9486.tar.gz
A: (UART-485)ex9486-2L.tar.gz
A: setuart (1).dat
Q: EX9486-L & 2L can not enter telnet console v2.doc 2007/12/10
A: Solution request by FAE/Topsccc
Q: The problem of RS485 software switch of EX9486-2L ! 2007/12/10
A1: Also we have a solution: you just have to open the RS-485 port twice for reading. If you had initialised the second time RS-485 ist working fine!
A2: This is one of solution regarding the problem of RS485 software switch of EX9486-2L !
Now that we had solution for solve the problem of RS485 of EX9486-2 in attached file (solution request by software and FAE/Topsccc)! Pls notes:
a1.Baud Rate can supported 230400bps .
a2.RS485 write data (by RS485 send out) don't over 70bytes per time 
but read data (receive the data) is no restriction .
Q: :Is there a way to use crontab in the EX9486 cpu board? 2007/12/10
A: Pls request crontab.tar.gz from FAE / Topsccc
Q: Do you have docs about the snmp v3 agent that comes with the linux distribution? 2007/12/10
A: For the SNMP Issue, we do support SNMP now and built-in EX-9486-L. But we just support SNMP V2 for EX-9486-L. If customer needs V3 version's which we don't have plan to build the V3 so far. pls inform customer to use SNMP V2 instead of V3. 
Q: It seems the boards cannot mount the /dev/mtdblock3 on /mnt/disk failed 2007/12/10
A: EX-9486-2L Error Recovery Guide.pdf requested by FAE /Topsccc
Q: We tried to change the IP address by editing the /etc/rc file but the boards couldn’t save the configuration. 2007/12/10
A: EX-9486-2L Error Recovery Guide.pdf requested by FAE /Topsccc
Q: I have a necessity to have a rootpartition in flash and not in RAM and I have the necessity to enable iptable2 (user space) and bridge functionality (802.1d in kernel space) with other function (Network packet filtering framework -Netfilter-). Can you indicate me where i can find/download (ftp, http, other) a source code of Linux kernel of your board? 2007/12/10
A1: The built-in Iptable is older, please ask cutomer to update the RAM Disk for getting newer iptable.
A2: The iptable needs more kernel modules which we didn't built-in. please ask customer for another net.tar.gz for more module.
For another question:
It can work but we don't recommend using it for NOR flash. According our experience, the rootfs which is directly operated on NOR usually crashed , you can use SD card(NAND flash) as your rootfs storage. We think it's better than NOR flash.
We strongly suggest customer put their data in RAM or SD card, instaed of on-board flash.
Q: We have a couple RMA with very similar problems. They crashed and there’s no way to restore them. 
Also trying to refresh kernel the result is an “Error Bad CRC.. etc” in the serial console connection. The flash seems damaged. Do you have any suggestion?
A: A:Please following steps and pass the message to me.

a1. Power up EX9486-L and keep keying @ to enter loader . if fail , please do it again .

a2. Press '&' when the loader menu appears .

a3. Enter ' imi 10020000 ' check kernel image readly at flash . if it fail , please upload kernel again .

a4. Enter ' im 10180000 ' check filesystem readly at flash . if it fail , please upload filsystem again .

attached file can be referd(debug.png request by FAE/Topsccc).
Q: we will wait for information about webcams, but do you have any suggestion about SPI ? 2007/12/10
A: Attached can find the SPI example and Web CAM example(both request by FAE/Topsccc). Please Update the kernel before testing the new functions (please ask customer to update to the newest kernel. If he can't be sure which is the latest version, please ask him to refer to following message Linux release 2.6.7, build #1222 Thu Jun 14 11:39:39 CST 2007 release 1.0.0, build #753 Thu Jun 14 12:21:30 CST 2007.) Please find the available reference WebCAM from http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/
Q: wanted to wonder have developed new versions of the kernel for EX9486-1L and 2L? 2007/12/10
A: kernal 2.6.14 for EX9486-L ; Kernal 2.6.7 for EX9486-2L(both requested by FAE/Topsccc) .
Q: Hi, the list of modules that I need is: p8022.ko (802.1d Ethernet Bridging ); psnap.ko; bridge.ko; ebtables.ko... 2007/12/10
A: Pls ref the Attached file(requested by FAE/Topsccc) !
Q: to load with insmod the modules is neccesary another module named llc.ko. Can you send me this kernel modules? 2007/12/10
A: Pls check attached file for llc.ko(requested by FAE/Topsccc).
Q: Yesterday we received the Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 (one of the compatible cams, looking at the uvcvideo web site). We updated the kernel and the first lines of dmesg says.....but if we try to run capture it says :
video /dev/video0 ERROR opening V4L interface No such device ....
A: Attached please find for new driver for Web CAM(requested by FAE/Topsccc) But we can't test it actually, because this is the new model and so far we didn't have this kind of web cam for testing.
The usage is the same as previous one. message : uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device <unnamed> (046d:0990)
Q: will you help me to compile and install a new kernel for your Linuxbox EX-9486L ? 2008/2/29
Pls check below e-mail which is one of Example of Q&A and pls check attached file for Kernal to download & Debug.dng .

Subject: Fw: firmware EX9486-L

please try to do following steps and pass the message to me.

1. Power up EX9486-L and keep keying @ to enter loader . if fail , please do it again .

2. Press '&' when the loader menu appears .

3. Enter ' imi 10020000 ' check kernel image readly at flash . if it fail , please upload kernel again .

4 . Enter ' im 10180000 ' check filesystem readly at flash . if it fail , please upload filsystem again .

attached file can be referd. 

Subject: R: firmware EX9486-L

Dear Sir, I’ve done what you sad, but now, after the restarting, the answer is:

Starting EX9486-L...........Wrong Image Type for bootm command

Starting Firmware ... Failed.

I’m sorry for the time you are spending with my problem, but I don’t kwow what can I do instead!

Re: firmware EX9486-L

Please , do the same procedure to download the attached file with kermit transmission protocol.

Subject: R: firmware EX9486-L

Dear sir, I’ve checked the Q&A section, but I didn’t find any answare about my problem. I’ve asked to my customer what he has made wrong with the EX9486-L and he said that he entered the console mode and he wrongly chose the “T” menu, “Filesys Serial”, the system answered:

## Ready for binary (kermit) download ecc…

then he quit brutally the consol mode, but from that point the system hasn’t loaded any more, it continuing to restart. 

Now I’ve here his EX9486-L and I tried to enter the console mode myself. I see:

Starting EX9486-L.............Bad Magic Number...

It try to start again and what I see is always:

Starting EX9486-L.............Bad Magic Number...

I’ve tried, maybe wrongly, to format the disk, with option “H”, and then to load the kernel again with option “S”, “Kernel Serial”, I used the file that you sent to me, “EX9486-L-KV2”. When it has finished, I restart the system, but the answer is always the same!

What can I do? Is the EX9486-L of my customer out of order?

Re: firmware EX9486-L

Pls check our banner of support of WebSite of Topsccc which offer the Q&A for Linux Embedded system .

If possible that pls check it first then try to description your problem in details then we will do the best to reply to you in earliest.

Pls check attached file with new kernal for download / upgrade but your customer should be check the software quick installation guide( CYGWIN)

Subject: firmware EX9486-L

Recently we’ve bought 200 EX9486-L. An our customer now has a problem with one of them. During the loading appear a message, we saw it using the console cable. The message is: “Bad magic number”. We think that the customer made a mistake with the firmware. Is that correct? Is it possible to reload the firmware through the console mode? If so, could you send us a copy of that firmware? 

Looking forward for your prompt reply
Q: RTC Problem of EX9486-2L 2008/2/29
A: RTC of EX9486-2L-K.rar

I am sorry.. We gave you wrong kernel. Please updated the EX9486-2L with attached kernel via serial console.

1. Please plugin serial console cable to the console port
2. Open terminal utility with 115200bps , 8N1
3. Power up EX9486-2L and keep keying '@' to enter loader. If fail, please do it again

Starting EX9486-2L......
Loader Version 1.0.9
H: Format Disk L: Loader Upgrade
S: Kernel Serial T: Filesys Serial
K: Kernel TFTP F: Filesys TFTP.
G: Manager Mode J: Jump to Firmware
E: Env. Upgrade M: Ethernet Setting
A: Toggle Console R: Reset

4. Type in “S” to upgrade loader
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x21000000 at 115200 bps...
5. Transfer kernel file(EX9486-2L-K) via kermit protocol
Q: iptable is too large to built-in kernel netfilter 2008/2/29
A: iptable is too large to built-in kernel netfilter.tar.gz
Q: The driver of rt2570 is missing. Neither chipsets rt73 or rt2571 works on 1-L. 
(The driver of rt2570 is built in new image.You can plug Wi-Fi dongle in USB port directly and make it )
A: EX9486-L image supports RT2570 driver and we have tested successfully on
DWL-G122 Ver B1 As I know, DWL-G22 Ver C1 is RT2571.
RT73 kernel module supports RT2571 chipset.
Attached is RT73 module.

Step by Step:

1. download rt73.ko to EX9486-L/disk
2. cd /disk
3. insmod rt73.ko
Q: SSH encluded in EX9486-2L-R 2008/2/29
A: SSH encluded in EX9486-2L-R.tar.gz
Q: could you modify the SPI driver in order to let us to change the 
clock polarity and phase by our applications in user space?
A: Pls check attached ((20080220)ex9486-spi.tar.gz) to find it for customer regarding SPI function.
For the web cam, we are sorry we don't have the web-cam same as you .
we can't testing about it.
The driver is referred by http://ovcam.org/ov511/download.html
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: SPI driver
> Thank you for the support,
> but we need to change the clock polarity and phase as requested by the 
> attached devices.
> The example shows how to change the clock speed (as the previous version) 
> and the bit per transfer settings : how to change the polarity and phase 
> of the clock ?>
> We also appreciate the new kernel modules for ov511 : is this also 
> suitable for ovfx2, as we asked in a previous email ?
> Support/TOPSCCC wrote:
>> please upload EX9486-LK (kernel) by Attached file .
>> kernel update :
>> a.update spi .
>> b.built-in VIDEO_DEV
>> Good Luck !
>> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 5:57 PM
>> Subject: SPI driver
>>> please could you modify the SPI driver in order to let us to change the 
>>> clock polarity and phase by our applications in user space?
>>> We have devices wich need different settings for these parameters and we 
>>> have not found any solution.
Q: problem of kernel in TCP stack 2008/2/29
A: This is not the problem of kernel in TCP stack.

This is caused by examples,our example is simple for easy reference and there are for few error situation handler. 

We didn't procedure the signal while user terminates by press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break ,after that, the program will terminate before TCP socket closed completely. So it need to takes some times to close the socket and next connection will be refused during this moment. 

User can modify the example or his program/software to proceeds the break signals to prevent this problem happen .

Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 5:42 PM

Subject: bug on Ex9486-L

I have found a problem on the Ex9486-L
executing consecutively for approximately 10 times the example \Example\tcp_server\tcp_server in your CD, the Ex9486-L it stops to answer to the connection TCP/IP
I Believe there am a problem in the kernel in the management of the reset socket.
my console.
root@ARMLinux /home>./tcp_server
accept:, port 4548
disconnect by remote
root@ARMLinux /home>./tcp_server
accept:, port 4549

root@SxARMLinux /home>./tcp_server

root@SxARMLinux /home>version
Linux release 2.6.14-uc0, build #13 Wed Sep 26 20:29:44 CST 2007
release 1.0.0, build #262 Mon Jan 8 18:00:26 CST 2007
Q: EX-9486L - multi threading support - technical support required for 2008/2/29
A: Yes, Multi-thread is a standard function of oth EX-9486 Series !!

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 5:22 AM
Subject: RE: EX-9486L - multi threading support - technical support required 
> Please let me know if EX-8486-L support multi threading in standard 
> version
> of OS image ? We must know it to inform our customers of functionality
> EX-9486-L they will meet in standard version.

> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 4:29 AM
> Subject: Re: EX-9486L - multi threading support - technical support 
> required
> for
> Sorry for that we can not offer unit version of OS which is open system , 
> we
> just can offer what is your dedicated application then we will build the 
> OS
> for your dedicated application .
> Anyway that we would like to offer you what you want in your application
> thats mean it is high cost for technical support !
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:53 AM
> Subject: RE: EX-9486L - multi threading support - technical support 
> required for
>> Thank you the update solve the trouble.
>> Please let me know if EX-9486-L need upgrade for multi threading as well 
>> ?
>> In case yes please e-mail me OS upgrade image.
>> If you have any questions please do not hesitate contact me.
>> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 12:25 PM
>> Subject: Re: EX-9486L - multi threading support - technical support
>> required for
>> 1.Please upgrade file system by function "upgrade" with attached file
>> 2.Attached file is updated for pthread.
>> Pls use command to update the file then you can check the version is same
>> as
>> Linux release 2.6.7, build #1222 Thu Jun 14 11:39:39
>> CST 2007 release 1.0.0, build #753 Thu Jun 14 12:21:30 CST 2007
>> Pls check Attached file which have one file for example of open 20 thread
>> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 6:01 PM
>> Subject: EX-9486L - multi threading support - technical support required
>> for
>>> Our customer has a trouble with multithreading on EX-9486-2L.
>>> I found on your Q&A following answer :
>>> .....
>>> 23.problem of execution thread on the EX9486-2L :
>>> Ans:
>>> Please upgrade file system by function "upgrade"
>>> 27:
>>> Ans:
>>> for 20 thread EX9486.tar.gz
>>> ....
>>> 1. Unfortunately I can not find (on CD or website) any support/manual 
>>> for
>>> "upgrade" function and information if I will need a new OS image file 
>>> for
>>> this upgrade ? From where it could be taken ?
>>> 2. Additionally please let me know where file "EX9486.tar.gz" exist ? I
>>> searched it on CD and website without success.
>>> I look forward to hearing from you.
Q: problem of “error bad crc” 2008/2/29
A: The new shipping are fixed this problem, that mean the loader is protected.

Although we protected the loader, we still don't suggest to enter the loader. all the SW can be upgrade by console by command "update", so please ask customer to use to update the SW.

Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 7:06 PM

Subject: Support on EX9486-L "Error Bad CRC.. etc" and console 

about the problem of “error bad crc” . you gave the solution to fix it and explained that it depends on Falsh without protection form loader.

Since several customer report this problem, have you any good new about it? I mean if there is a new robust version to avoid the problem, even if the solution you gave works well.
Q: Bad Magic Number 2008/2/29
A: do it again as red word!!!!!!!!!!! 

3. Enter ' imi 10020000 ' check kernel image readly at flash . if it fail , please upload kernel again . 

4 . Enter ' im 10180000 ' check filesystem readly at flash . if it fail , please upload filsystem again .

Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 8:50 PM

Subject: R: firmware EX9486-L

Hi, first of all thank you for your prompt help! I’ve tried to do what you wrote. This is the answer:

EX9486-L> imi 10020000

## Checking Image at 10020000 ...

Verifying Checksum ... OK

EX9486-L> imi 10180000

## Checking Image at 10180000 ...

Bad Magic Number


I suppose I have to load the filesystem again, but which is the exact file to load? The file “EX9486-L-RV2.dat” is for the kernel, isn’t it? I wouldn’t do something wrong!
Q: Starting EX9486-L...........Wrong Image Type for bootm command 2008/2/29
A: please try to do following steps and pass the message to me. 

1. Power up EX9486-L and keep keying @ to enter loader . if fail , please do it again . 

2. Press '&' when the loader menu appears . 

3. Enter ' imi 10020000 ' check kernel image readly at flash . if it fail , please upload kernel again .

4 . Enter ' im 10180000 ' check filesystem readly at flash . if it fail , please upload filsystem again . 

attached file can be referd.

Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 5:04 PM

Subject: R: firmware EX9486-L

I’ve done what you said, but now, after the restarting, the answer is:

Starting EX9486-L...........Wrong Image Type for bootm command

Starting Firmware ... Failed.

I’m sorry for the time you are spending with my problem, but I don’t kwow what can I do instead!
Q: Pls try it (@@@@for serial port more than 64 bytes of EX9486-2L-K.rar) again for "string is longer than 64 bytes" 
I'm going on with my tests with the EX9486-2L serial port driver: now the 
situation is better but there is still some problems.
The DTR now works correcly: ok.

The 64 bytes problem with slow speeds (2400 baud) and fast C-language compiled 
programs works good: the serial port driver generates interrupts before the 
64bytes full-buffer and the program is fast enough to empty it.
There is still some problems with higher speeds (9600, 19200, 57600) or with 
slower programs: it seems that there is some data loss in the software serial 
buffer. The software serial buffer should be bigger (normally 8K) and should 
be managed by the serial driver.
This is what I experimented:
I configured the EX9486-2L as dial-in server with mgetty on ttyS1. The dial-in 
works. The pppd login works.
The problem is: the PING to the IP address I assigned to the EX9486-2L ppp 
connection gives a lot of packet data loss. The best situation is with mgetty 
configuration for 19200 baud: in this case I get about 50% packet data lost. 
This is the *best* I can reach. Using 9600 baud or 57600baud the situation is 
worst: 70~90% packet data loss.
I'm sure that the problem is on the serial ports, because if I use the same 
configuration on the EX9486-2L as dial-in server with mgetty on ttyUSB0 
instead of ttyS1 using an USB-RS232 adapter, the PING works at 100% (0% 
packet loss).
A: We are under routine to try get the solution regarding serial port data loss
at higher speeds and we will let you know the strategy soon !
Tks your kindly to use the USB serial port adapter for modem connections to
meet the timing !
May I have a suggestion for use EX9486-L to replace the EX9486-2L of project
as your application
because we was delay the time on yours and EX9486-L had no any problem on
serial port data loss at higher speeds ?
Q: have you this modules for EX9486-2L:
A1: Please get net.tar.gz for more iptable and ebtable module.
Q2: Have you seen php on the 1L??!!!

Have you one version of openVPN & tun.ko for the 1L?
A: Please get net.tar.gz for more iptable and ebtable module.
Q: Have you seen php on the 1L??!!!

Have you one version of openVPN & tun.ko for the 1L?
A: Yes!
Pls get it from Support of Topsccc
Example of installation :
thanks for the openvpn tool!!
I am trying to install openvpn on the 1L

I follow this procedure:

1. copy openvpn on 1L
2. chmod 755 openvpn
3 ./openvpn --genkey --secret key.txt
4. vi config.ovpn

dev tap
secret /etc/openvpn/key.txt
ping 10
verb 1
mute 10
lport 5002

5. mkdir -p /dev/net
6. mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
hour I would have to qualify the module tun on the kernel with the command:

modprobe tun 

tun it is not included in the kernel :(

you can send the module to me tun.ko!
Q: I cannot dial-in with your settings. ppp does not start.
Are you using an external modem? Which one?
A: We have tested your problem with two different modems as attached picture.
Both of modems worked well.

Enclosed please find some screenshots of our operation for your reference.
(Pls ask support of Topsccc to send the screenshots of operation to you by e-mail)
Please send us the /var/log/mgetty.ttyS2. We can judge what was happened.
Q: I use a different method from yours, with pppd starting script.
I would like to use no pppd starting script, but for now I've found no other

It is evident that the problem is not in the ppp settings and/or in the 
settings: if I use P2 the ftp tranfert hangs, if I use /dev/ttyUSB0 the ftp
transfert works. The problem is in the serial port driver.

Maybe it's a RTS/CTS matter, or a XON/XOFF, or buffer lenght.

> The userid/password is ppp/ppp.

I've tried with this userid/password but it doesn't work: when the EX-9486-L
answares the modem call, it tries to estabilish a ppp connection but the
procedure fails for some reason and EX-9486-L hangs up.

Are you sure that you are working with MODEM connection and this settings? 
seems to me that these settings can't work.

At this point my question is: can you estabilish a modem ppp connection with
this settings? If so, please email me the complete procedure also for the
calling side because I can't get it working, nor with linux nor with 
A: you have to chmod for ppp login .

chmod 600 /etc/config/mgetty.config
chmod 600 /etc/config/login.config

user ppp
passwd ppp

Please try again. We tested it successfully at our site.
(Pls ask support of Topsccc to send the screenshots of operation to you by e-mail)
Q: The uboot, linux and file system image is not available in the CD you
provided with EX9486-L system. Can you please send me the uboot, linux 
file system image.
A: Pls ask support of Topsccc to get the uboot, linux and file system image .
Q: I have a question about EX9486-L. Our client need to know what kind of SD cards can be use in EX9486-L. What is the maximum size of SD card which can use in this computer and what is the maximum write speed?? Do you recommend any producer of SD card to this computer?? Thanks for all information. 2008/6/18
A: The EX9486-L can read maximum 2G SD card. But we have to give you a new kernel to update. The EX9486-L can read 1G SD card with existing kernel.
The SD card with SD 1.0 or SD1.1 standard can be used in EX9486-L. The EX9486-L doesn't support SDHC (SD 2.0).
We have tested the SD card of ATP 1G and 2G( industrial grade). It worked very well. A-DATA and Transcend are OK as well.
A: It seems that this customer hasn't bought EX9486-L for a long time.
The current EX9486-L is equipped with 64MB RAM / 16MB flash and supports SSH daemon &MMC .

To have your own default HTML page, please refer to the installation guide.

Welcome Message
To modify the welcome message, user can use text edit to
modify the /etc/motd.

Web Page Directory
The web pages are placed at /home/httpd and the boa.conf
contains the boa web server settings. The home page name
should be index.html
A: Mounting External Storage Memory

To find out the device name of the external memory device
which plug into EX9486-L, you can use the command
/dmesg | grep sd
/dmesg | grep mmc
mount /dev/sda1 to mount the USB disk and
mount /dev/mmc0 to mount SD card

If you transfer program with ftp, please change the format to binary format. That is type ftp>bin
Q: Have you dm9601 driver for EX9486-L?

Are there new kernel for the EX9486-L?
whichever innovation is appreciate :)
A: I have installed the new image
Linux release 2.6.14-M5, build #17 Thu May 8 15:09:04 CST 2008
release 1.0.0, build #297 Thu Jan 18 21:09:08 CST 2007
The SD from 2G work well!!

But the modules previously supplied do not work ..

<11>Feb 4 01:49:39 kernel: dm9601: version magic '2.6.14-uc0 ARMv4 gcc-3.3' should be '2.6.14-M5 ARMv4 gcc-3.3'
<11>Feb 4 01:51:54 kernel: rt73: version magic '2.6.14-uc0 ARMv4 gcc-3.3' should be '2.6.14-M5 ARMv4 gcc-3.3'
<11>Feb 4 01:54:00 kernel: ftdi_sio: version magic '2.6.14-uc0 ARMv4 gcc-3.3' should be '2.6.14-M5 ARMv4 gcc-3.3'

You can send the new versions too 
Q: The rt73 and ftdi_sio are built in the kernel already.
(Pls ask support of Topsccc to get rt73 and ftdi_sio)

The attached dm9601.ko is a new version for 2.6.14-M5.
(Pls ask support of Topsccc to get dm9601.ko )
A: I have tested the modules (Re: ip_tables.ko.....) that you have sent to me but creed is compatible only for the EX9486-2L

I am working on a EX9486-1L with kernel the version: 2.6.14-uc0 .
when loaded one with the modules( Re: ip_tables.ko.....)that you have sent to me I have the following message:
<11>Feb 5 02:12:08 kernel: ipt_MASQUERADE: version magic '2.6.7 ARMv4 gcc-3.3' should be '2.6.14-uc0 ARMv4 gcc-3.3'
You can send the modules(Re: ip_tables.ko.....) to me for the kernel 2.6.14-uc0 and 2.6.14-M3?